A Grain Of Salt

1st July, 2023

There are several, often varying viewpoints to any given situation, sometimes right, sometimes wrong, sometimes neither...

But who decides which viewpoint is right and which one is wrong? Maybe people have a feeling. Or maybe external influences like society or community play a role. A viewpoint is correct according to one person, wrong according to another, and maybe nonsense to somebody else.

There is no way (that I am aware of) to know if a viewpoint is 100% correct or incorrect. What you think might be right, or it might be wrong. Of course, its up to you to decide, but objectively, what is right and what is wrong?

Take everything with a grain of salt. Never believe anything fully. Similarly, never disbelieve anything fully. What you think you know might be wrong... or it might be right.

For quality of life, however, one has to ultimately settle upon a single viewpoint. You can't be suspicious of everything. For this, it might be suitable to maintain a system of 75% believing what you know and 25% not believing what you know, or being suspicious of it.

The numbers may vary from person to person and community to community, but personally, I think the above mentioned system should work fine for most people.

It is important to mention that a viewpoint doesn't have to be correct or incorrect. It might be somewhere in the middle. It might be a 0, 1 or 0.5 or some other number between 0 and 1.

Also, I might be completely wrong and not fit to comment on this topic, so again, take everything with a grain of salt.